
发布日期:2022-01-10    浏览次数:

报告题目:Euler Equations, Transonic Flows and Isometric Embeddings






报告摘要:In this talk, we will discuss the Euler equations of gas dynamics and applications in transonic flows and isometric embeddings in geometry. First the basic theory of Euler equations will be reviewed. Then we will present the results on the transonic flows past an obstacle including the global existence of weak solutions. Finally we will present the fluid dynamic formulation of the isometric embedding problem in geometry and discuss the global solutions based on various approaches.

报告人简介:王德华,本科毕业于清华大学,获芝加哥大学博士学位,目前为美国匹兹堡大学数学系终身教授。主要从事流体力学中的非线性问题, 在守恒律和激波, 磁流体, 粘弹性和液晶等方面的研究中取得了一系列丰硕的成果。曾主持过多项美国国家自然科学基金项目的研究。已在Advances in Mathematics,Mathematische Annalen》,《Communications in Mathematical Physics,Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis国际著名SCI数学期刊上发表学术论文近百篇,引用次数2000余次。目前担任SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis,Journal of Differential Equations等国际知名数学杂志的编委。